Monday, March 03, 2025


Game Day!

Giant Jenga

Wanna take a break and relive bits of your childhood? Feel free to stop by the Cafeteria and enjoy some fun games made from everyday house items. We will provide some refreshments when you receive a permit wristband upon signing in.

⚐| Cafeteria | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM |⚐

We will be featuring the following games:

Giant Jenga
Chinese Checkers
Connect 4
And other various board games upon request.

Be one of three winners Welcome Back Prize Baskets by completing a minute to win it challenge!

| 15$ Subway Gift Card | Various Snacks | School Supplies |

Minute to Win it Schedule

Elephant March – 11:30 AM

      • Wearing a pantyhose “trunk,” walk a straight line and swing your head to knock over eight cups, four on each side.

Blown Over – 12:15

      • Blow up a balloon to approximately the size of your head and blow over 5 cups with the force of air within.

Face the cookie 12:40

    Extremely simple – at least in theory. Sit in a chair with a plate of Oreo cookies beside you. Lean your head back and place a cookie in the center of your forehead. When the one-minute timer begins, use only your face to move the cookie from your forehead to your mouth.